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Workplace Stress Assessment Tool

Stress in the modern workplace can be influenced by multiple factors, and not all stressors impact individuals equally. This tool leverages a weighted scoring system, allowing users to assess both the frequency of stress-inducing events and the personal importance of each factor. For example, if workload management is crucial for you, its impact on your stress level will be weighted accordingly.

The tool is based on established psychological principles, similar to the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), but tailored specifically for workplace environments. It considers variables like workload, recognition, relationships, and autonomy. Users select how often they experience stress and rate how important each factor is to them, resulting in a more personalized stress score. The output includes an interpretation of your stress level, guiding you toward actionable insights.

It will take 2-3 minutes to complete the test. I am not collecting any data for taking the test - assessement happens in your browser. After taking the test, you can optionally submit your score & compare the results with peers in your industry or region.